Novena of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Our Mother Of Perpetual Help Novena
LEADER: Most holy and Immaculate Virgin and our Mother Mary, you
are our Perpetual Help, our refuge and our hope.
ALL: We come to you today. We thank God for all the graces received
through your intercession. Mother of Perpetual Help, we promise to love
you always and to do all we can to lead others to you.
LEADER: Mother of Perpetual Help, confident of your powerful
influence with God, obtain for us these graces:
ALL: The strength to overcome temptation, a perfect love for Jesus
Christ, and a holy death so that we will live with you and your Son for all eternity.
LEADER: Let us pray to be open to God's Word.
ALL: Mother of Perpetual Help, you continually sought the meaning of
God’s words and actions in your life. As we listen to God's Word, may
the Holy Spirit enlighten our understanding and give us the courage to
put his Word into practice in our daily lives.
(if homily follows, all should be seated.)
LEADER: Let us kneel to pray as a community of faith. Mary, all
generations have called you blessed, and the Almighty has done great
things for you.
ALL: Mother of Perpetual Help, we call upon your most powerful name.
Your very name inspires confidence and hope. May it always be on our
lips, especially in time of temptation and at the hour of our death.
Blessed Lady, help us whenever we call on you. Let us not be content
with merely pronouncing your name. May our daily lives proclaim that
you are our Mother and our Perpetual Help.
LEADER: Let us pray for our temporal wants:
ALL: Mother of Perpetual Help, with the greatest confidence we kneel
before you. We implore your help in the problems of our daily lives.
Trials and sorrows often depress us; misfortunes and privations bring
misery into our lives; everywhere we meet the cross.Comforter of the
Afflicted, beg your Son, Jesus, to strengthen us as we bear our burdens
and to free us from our sufferings. Or if it be the will of God that we
should suffer still longer, help us endure all with love and patience. May
we follow the example of your Son, and through him, with him, and in
him, commend ourselves to the care of our heavenly Father
LEADER: Let us stand now to present our petitions and our thanks.
Lord Jesus Christ, at a word from Mary your Mother, you changed water
into wine at Cana of Galilee. Listen now to the People of God gathered
here to honor Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Grant our petitions and
accept our sincere thanks.
LEADER: Grant wisdom and guidance to our Holy Father, Pope...,our
Bishop.., our priests, and all the leaders of our nation, state, and
ALL: Hear us, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Grant peace and unity throughout the world, especially in our
homes and families.
ALL: Hear us, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Grant that young people respond generously to the call of the
Holy Spirit in deepening their faith and choosing their vocation in life.
ALL: Hear us, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Grant us continued health of mind and body, and help the
sick, especially.., to regain their health according to your holy will.
ALL: Hear us, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Grant eternal rest to all our deceased, especially..., and to the
souls of all the faithful departed.
ALL: Hear us, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Let us pause now to silently present our own petitions to Our
Mother of Perpetual Help. LEADER: Lord, accept our thanks for the
new life of grace you gave us.
ALL: We thank you, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Accept our thanks for all the graces received through the
sacramental life of the Church.
ALL: We thank you, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Accept our thanks for the spiritual and material blessings we
have received.
ALL: We thank you, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Let us pause now to silently thank Our Mother of Perpetual
Help for our own favors received
LEADER: Lord, accept our thanks for the new life of grace you gave us.
ALL: We thank you, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Accept our thanks for all the graces received through the
sacramental life of the Church.
ALL: We thank you, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Accept our thanks for the spiritual and material blessings we
have received.
ALL: We thank you, Lord, through Mary our Mother.
LEADER: Let us pause now to silently thank Our Mother of Perpetual
Help for our own favors received
LEADER: Please kneel as we pray for the sick:
ALL: Lord, look upon your servants laboring under bodily weakness.
Cherish and revive the souls which you have created so that, purified by
their sufferings they may soon find themselves healed by your mercy.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
LEADER: May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you that he may defend
you, within you that he may sustain you, before you that he may lead
you, behind you that he may protect you, above you that he may bless
you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
ALL: Amen.
LEADER: Let us renew our confidence in Mary as a
perpetual help.
ALL: Mother of Perpetual Help, you have been blessed and favored by
God. You became not only the Mother of the Redeemer, but the Mother
of the redeemed as well. We come to you today as your loving children.
Watch over us and take care of us. As you held the child Jesus in your
loving arms, so take us in your arms. Be a mother ready at every
moment to help us. For God who is mighty has done great things for
you, and his mercy is from age to age on those who love him. Our
greatest fear is that in time of temptation, we may fail to call out to you,
and become lost children. Intercede for us, dear Mother, in obtaining
pardon for our sins, love for Jesus, final perseverance, and the grace
always to call upon you, Mother of Perpetual Help.

 (The following Act of Consecration is to be said
the first week of the month.)
LEADER: Let us renew our Act of Consecration.
ALL: United with the members of your confraternity here and
throughout the world, we consecrate ourselves to your service. We
promise to renew this dedication once a month and frequently to receive
the sacraments. We beg you to obtain for us the grace to imitate your
great servant, St. Alphonsus, in his love for you and your Son.
LEADER: Let us stand now and unite with the Christians of all ages in
praising Mary and in committing ourselves to her powerful protection:
ALL: Hail Mary...
LEADER: Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
ALL: That we may become worthy of the promises of Christ.
LEADER: Let us pray. Lord Jesus Christ, who gave us your Mother
Mary, whose image we venerate, as a mother ready at every moment to
help us; grant, we beg you, that we who call on her help may always
enjoy the fruit of your redemption. This we ask through you who live
and reign forever.
ALL: Amen.

St. Mary the Virgin, Mother of Christ, Patron Saint of motherhood, nuns,
and countless diocese {The title Our Lady of Perpetual Help (also
known as the Virgin of the Passion) came to prominence when in 1866
Pius IX entrusted the icon, then newly discovered, to the
Redemptorists.} Feast day: June 27 


Novena of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

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